Since its establishment, the company has adhered to a global marketing service system throughout, and adjusted its strategic orientation according to changing global photovoltaic industry policies as well as its own development. Countries and regions are at different development stages in terms of photovoltaic power generation, varying when it comes to photovoltaic industry policies, economic development level, natural environmental conditions, and energy use.

The demand for photovoltaic inverters in mature overseas markets grew rapidly during the reporting period. The company actively explores major global markets and emerging markets such as Europe, Australia, India and Brazil, and accumulates rich customer resources in many countries and regions around the world. The company has set up subsidiaries in Germany, Australia, Poland, Korea and other countries and regions to achieve rapid response to local customer needs.

  • What equipment does the commercial solar power system include?
    A:Basic configuration: solar panel, inverter, bracket, cable and installation accessories, etc. For large power plants, transformers, distribution cabinets and other auxiliary equipment are also required.
  • What services do we offer?
    A: We provide one-stop service, including program design, system equipment, transportation and installation, grid-connection technical support, and after-sales service.
  • Does a household PV system need energy storage equipment?
    A:We recommended that the household photovoltaic power generation system eventually be connected to the power grid. In this way, a battery pack is not required for energy storage, saving a substantial amount in cost. At the same time, grid-connection allows for additional government subsidies, which makes it the most economical method. Off-grid systems with battery energy storage equipment are generally used in remote mountainous areas, which don't allow for connection to the power grid.
  • What is the installation area of a solar power system?
    A:It depends on the actual area available on your roof. Generally, 10 square meters are required for a 1 kW system.
  • Can a distributed photovoltaic power generation system be installed in commercial housing?
    A:Yes. You need to explain the situation to the residents in your building and the property management department. The application form needs to be signed by the residents and sealed by the property management department, which will then be archived as a grid-connected application.
  • How is a household photovoltaic system put together?
    A:First of all, we need to collect basic information from you, including the type of housing structure (residential or commercial), roof structure, roof area, monthly electricity consumption, and so on. Based on the above information, we will design the most economical system scheme for you to maximize the benefits.
  • How many specific aspects of low power generation are necessary to troubleshoot the problem?
    A:1) Possibly caused by local weather (cloudy, foggy). 2) physical inspection, checking the surface of the components for dust, debris, shadow shading. 3)check the input voltage and current magnitude of the inverter, is there any voltage and current abnormalities. 4) if wiring is too long, winding, incorrect specifications resulting in excessive loss situation.
  • The meter reading is not the same as the power generation shown on the grid-connected inverter?
    A:Usually, the power generation displayed by the grid-connected inverter is the power exported from the AC side of the grid-connected inverter, while the meter of the power supply company shows the power from the grid-connected point. There is usually a certain difference between the two measurement points, which is generated by the sampling accuracy and AC line loss between the two points. The actual calculation of electricity is based on the meter. If there is a large difference, the AC side cable can be checked and optimized.
  • The inverter display shows that the panel insulation impedance to ground is too low, what is the reason? How to solve it?
    A:The inverter detects that the PV+ and PV- to ground insulation impedance on the group inspection side is too low, according to the safety regulation, the inverter must stop working, otherwise it will produce the risk of electric shock. 1) use resistance shake table to detect whether PV+ to ground and PV- to ground insulation resistance is less than 2 megohms, which can be determined to be caused by the string group problem. (2) If there is no resistance shake table, use multimeter turn it onto DC voltage gear to detect whether the PV + to ground, PV - to ground voltage exceeds 30VDC, can determine the string group problems caused by. (3) turn off the inverter switch , unplug the PV terminal connected to the inverter, try to input one group of strings at a time to the inverter and then grid connect, if a group of strings alone to the on grid there is an error, you can determine the string problem, check whether the problem string has broken skin cable, PV terminal into water and other problems.
  • Does the inverter fan need to be cleaned regularly?
    A:Our inverter fan is maintenance-free mode, such as no fan failure without alarm, no need to clean.
  • How long is the warranty of the new replaced inverter after the original inverter been replacement?
    A:The warranty period will not be interrupted by product repair or extended by replacement of the whole machine or equipment, and the replaced machine or equipment will automatically inherit the remaining warranty period of the whole machine or equipment before replacement.
  • What communication protocol does the inverter use?
    A:Typically, serial-based communication uses the Modbus-RTU communication protocol.
  • What happens when the grid is undervolted?
    A:Turn the Multimeter onto AC voltage gear, measure the AC output terminals should have 220V or 380V voltage, if not, check in turn whether the terminals are loose, whether the AC switch is closed, whether the protector switch is disconnected.


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